Es celebren moltes festes cada any, per exemple;5 Gener: Els Reis. Març: Fira de la Mongeta, St Llorenç de la MugaJuny: Juny:Fira de la Cirera, Terrades i Llers. Agost: Festa Major, St Llorenç de la Muga. 24 Decembre: sopar i foc de Nadal.
There are many fiestas and fairs throughout year.St Llorenç has the Fira de la Mongetta, the first Sunday in March & the Festa Major in August. Christmas Eve is celebrated with a bonfire in the square along with soup, sausages in bread and Alioli (garlic Mayonaise).The cherry fiestas in June in Terrades & Llers are worth a visit as are the Olive Oil Fira in Espolla in January, the cheese Fira in September in Lladó & the mushroom Fira in Albanyá in October.5th January is the night The 3 Kings leave presents for the children. Their arrival is celebrated with parades throughout Catalunya.February is Carnival with many processions, the one in Roses is particularly good.23rd June is St Juan, a fiesta, celebrated the night before with fireworks, cava & cake.
Se celebran muchas fiestas cada año, por ejemplo;5 Enero: Los Reyes. Marzo: Fira de la Mongeta, San Lorenzo de la Muga. Junio: Fira de la Cereza, Terrades y Llers. Agosto: Fiesta Mayor, San Lorenzo de la Muga. 24 Diciembre cena y fuego de Navidad.